Angry Robot

This is great: 70 new stations to Bike Share TO in August.

Lessons from Amsterdam: How to make cycling easy and fun

King Street pilot project wins city council approval

Good… I think? The plan is a little confusing. Simpler to just make it transit / bike / pedestrian only.

Subterranean home for 400 found in Beijing basement

I once had a dream, when we were renovating our basement, that we discovered a sub-basement with an extended family living in it, subsisting on “night potatoes”

Interesting half-hour doc featuring Christopher Hume talking about streets, cars, bikes, downtown and suburbs. Article here.

Toronto’s ambitious bike plan, one year later

As you might expect, a little disappointing

We Bought a Crack House

Everyone’s favourite hate read this week, in which a yuppie couple evict a bunch of poor people so they can renovate their third property and blow $1-million through a series of poor decisions

My daily commute by bike turned me into a witness of a truly tragic event

We will look back on how our roads are structured in decades to come and consider it barbaric.

On Chicago’s Improved Bike Infrastructure 

as Chicago’s bikeway network grew over the last decade or so (135 percent between 2005 and 2015), crashes per 100,000 trips fell by more than half (54 percent) and fatalities and serious injuries per 100,000 trips dropped 60 percent. And that’s as more and more people started bicycling in the city: bicycle trips grew by a whopping 167 percent within those ten formative years.

Axing OMB boosts cities’ planning power – for better or for worse

On the proposed replacement for the not well-loved Ontario Municipal Board

My favourite park is coming along nicely

Berlin Expands Streetcars to the West

Restoring streetcar lines that were torn up in the 60s

Downtown Toronto went all in with a pair of Kings

Re: rezoning of King St in the 90s

Streetcars are Toronto’s civic treasure and the King St. plan gives them their due

Besides, if you want to drive without streetcars in the way, you have your pick of all kinds of other cities. You can go to Hamilton, or Mississauga, or Pickering. You can go most places, and they won’t have streetcars. We do have them, and they’re a civic treasure. It’s about time we treat them like it.

OMB Reform: Contested development

Star feature on the shady Ontario Municipal Board, the unaccountable provincial body that has the final say in development approvals in Toronto