Angry Robot

The Tortured Mind Of Dan Harmon | GQ

Great profile by Sean O’Neal.

Charity bike ride turns tragic when driver crashes into cyclists

Unbelievable. Am I wrong in wanting to know the name of the driver?

The unrestored version of 2001: A Space Odyssey is Christopher Nolan’s ultimate demo reel for an analog future

I am excited to see this – it’s coming to the TIFF Lightbox.

The political alignments of Mario Kart characters

Greatest video ever?

Jordan Peterson, Custodian of the Patriarchy

Ontario PC candidate resigns after private 407 freeway confirms ‘internal theft’ of data on 60,000 customers

This, with the aforelinked article, should bring you mostly up to speed, other than the fact that 29 PC candidates are implicated in this (clients of Dhillon).

The majesty of this scandal is that the deadline for submitting new candidates was yesterday. So if Ford wants to do the right thing and get rid of these clowns, he will almost certainly lose the election since these are all 905-region candidates that he needs to win. Whereas if he doesn’t get rid of them, he looks more corrupt than any liberal (arguable I guess).

How a convicted fraudster ended up at the centre of Ontario Conservatives’ nomination controversies

This article, from April, is a decent backgrounder for the Doug Ford / 407 scandal

Aka Jimmi Simpson who plays William on Westworld

Ontario election: NDP overtakes Liberals as the ‘Anti-Ford’ party, according to Ipsos poll

I had a feeling this might happen. But now the NDP are going to get a battering from both sides.

“Six months ago, a conservancy official cleaning out an office came across two cardboard boxes that had been sitting around for decades. Inside were 2,924 color slides, pictures made in parks across New York City’s five boroughs late in the summer of 1978. No one had looked at them for 40 years.” (via)

‘Fox & Friends,’ stuck with Donald Trump for all eternity

Courage is not about the absence of fear or anger or extreme emotion. The definition of courage is, when experiencing those emotions, refusing to let them govern your behaviour. Staying true to yourself and your values, doing what you know is right, and necessary, despite the heightened emotion. Courage is finding it in yourself to rise to an occasion rather than being diminished by it.

The truths Canada needs to remember

We have our flaws but there’s a lot to like in how Toronto, Canada reacted to this attack. I’m still really moved by the cop who didn’t shoot the guy.

Why Hollywood Won’t Cast Cary Elwes Anymore

Just read the whole thing if you like good writing. Trust me.

Japanese engineer builds giant robot to realize ‘Gundam’ dream

In robot news…. (watch the video)

Wind turbines are getting taller, bigger, and more powerful

If I’m reading it right, one of the new big ones (height of Eiffel Tower) could power 1 million homes.

The Meadoway: 16 km stretch of urban park will connect downtown to Scarborough 

They are going to build a mixed-use path the length of this hydro corridor.

Why the F.B.I. Raid Is Perilous for Michael Cohen — and Trump

Damian Lewis to Play Controversial Ex-Toronto Mayor Rob Ford in Thriller

‘The Simpsons’ To ‘The Problem With Apu’: Drop Dead

David Reich: ‘Neanderthals were perhaps capable of many modern human behaviours’

Reich’s work as a leader of prehistoric population studies includes the discovery that all people of non-African descent carry small amounts of Neanderthal DNA, showing that Homo sapiens – at one stage – must have interbred with this long-dead species of ancient humans.

Also, hobbits were real.

The Rise in Self-Proclaimed Time Travelers

They’ve come from the future for two reasons: 1) To save us from ourselves; and 2) to make YouTube confessionals

Scalding Hot Takes: Ready Player One

Nathan Rabin:

Yes, Ready Player One spent 140 minutes jerking me off but instead of pleasure or release, all I experienced was rawness, bleeding and painful chafing.