Here’s a thing I made with Retrontario. Get ready to blow pot, burnouts.
•Recounts and Chaos Will Follow a Blue Wave in November
UN Says Climate Genocide Coming. But It’s Worse Than That.
Laying the responsibility of climate change at the feet of individual people by telling them to tinker around the margins of their own actions is like telling someone to stop a reckless driver by turning down the radio or turning up the air conditioning.
The Teens Who Post the Same Thing Every Day on Instagram
How Russia Helped Swing the Election for Trump
A meticulous analysis of online activity during the 2016 campaign makes a powerful case that targeted cyberattacks by hackers and trolls were decisive.
The Socialist YouTuber Using Cities: Skylines To Explain Politics
Thanks Maggo!
Gambling industry eyes Toronto waterfront
“If the Premier decides he wants a casino, he’s going to get a casino.”
Sure, a great part of Doug Ford’s motivation for shrinking Toronto City Council is spite, but part of it is surely this. If he wants to have his way with Toronto, he needs a compliant Council, and the 25 wards tips the balance of power in favour of conservative, suburban, Ford-allied Councillors. I’m pretty sure I’ve read that gaming companies were major Ford campaign donors, although I can’t find the link now. Plus, there’s this article …
Oxford English Dictionary asks teenagers to explain modern slang
Toronto cyclists are using pool noodles to combat dangerous drivers
Japan’s Iga city ‘does not need ninjas’ after reports it was hiring
What a mixup!
NPR had posted a summary which said that Iga “is facing a serious problem, there aren’t enough people training to be ninjas, not even for $85k a year”.
“That characterisation was incorrect,” an NPR spokesman told the BBC.
But those reports led at least 115 ninja hopefuls from 23 countries to contact Iga officials, enquiring about possible jobs.
Who Just Beat the Bay Area in Tech Jobs? Toronto
“The Bible says, ‘If you do this to the least of these, you do it to me,’ ” Sheila said, quoting Jesus. “But the least of these are Americans, not the ones crossing the border.”
Good Night, Earth
Bad morning. Wake up to news that Trump is going off on Iran in all caps and some asshole went on a shooting rampage on the Danforth.
I found this video, of Kraftwerk jamming live with an astronaut on the International Space Station, at least somewhat restored my faith in humanity. Perhaps you will like it too.
If this is not treason, then what is it?
Dan Drezner:
A former CIA chief of Russian operations tweeted, “From a counterintelligence perspective, something is going on behind the scenes. Before Helsinki I was less sure; post Helsinki, I feel sick.”
Cambridge Analytica’s Facebook data was accessed from Russia, MP says
Study: Drinking Alcohol More Important Than Exercise to Living Past 90
Great news, everyone!
‘Gordon Ramsay’s Fairytale Toilet Kitchen Nightmare,’ Today’s Comic by Michael Kupperman
Who gives a damn about the past? I live for today, plan for the future, pack a lunch and haul ass
Putin’s playbook for discrediting America and destabilizing the West
“The book in question is The Foundations of Geopolitics: The Geopolitical Future of Russia by neo-fascist political scientist Aleksandr Dugin, whose nickname is “Putin’s Brain”.”
Lost Stanley Kubrick screenplay, Burning Secret, is found 60 years on
From the 50s, during his time at MGM
Apple’s new 2018 MacBook Pros are now available, and the top specs are much faster
Yay! Although I specced out my dream laptop and it came to eight grand.
How Silicon Valley Fuels an Informal Caste System
This is fairly terrifying.
Someone hung their own artwork inside the Banksy exhibit
Go Tharanga!