Angry Robot


Ok, things have gotten pretty busy around Angryrobotsville, with everything except writing for the site.

I have my full time job, I have a freelance job, we are renovating our kitchen, and we have a brand new human being added to the family in December, so there are lots of nesting-related tasks related to that. You know, find shiny baubles, line nest with them, etc. So posting around here is by necessity going to shrivel down to the barest link-blogging. You know, just the most important stuff: Trump invades Canada, Trump resigns in disgrace, woman on Tinder date traps self in window trying to dislodge own turd, and suchlike.

ONE GLARING EXCEPTION! Before the reno was planned… before the baby… before the freelance job… I booked off a week for TIFF. It feels decadent and irresponsible, but I have shit tons of films to see starting saturday. My intention is to post reviews here; I may not get everything but you’ll probably see some stuff.