Official Google Blog: Think big with a gig: Our experimental fiber network
The dark fibre is gonna light up?
The dark fibre is gonna light up?
suggestion for HandBrake settings. Seems like a sweet spot.
Finally, a new version of Aperture.
Canon’s new $800 550D/Rebel T2i has all the video features of the 7D
“37. More crying but quieter” genius.
better file support apparently
a clear advantage over the current Kindle
unsurprisingly, a touch-screen company.
does what it says on the box.
agree on all counts. The gaming analogy is apt.
art installation with abandoned house
Two words: neck fetus.
torrenting of Oscar screeners is way, way down this year
online-viewable PBS doc examines the effect of digital tech on cognition & development
I promise to shut up about this thing soon. But this was of interest, partially disproving the ‘closed filesystem’ gripe
pretty good come-down reading after watching the premiere
people seem to be agreeing on the significance of the device, but disagreeing about whether the new direction is good or not.
place your bets!
too true