PSN's New Look and Feel
I’ve been separated from my beloved PS3 for a few months, but finally we are as one again. This reunion happily fell just days before the PlayStation Network’s super sexy overhaul.
My first forray into the PlayStation Network was rife with discomfort. Oh, buying things was easy and I greatly appreciated seeing the actual cost of what I purchased and not a fancy free points system. The problem was the interface, which looked far too much like a computer screen and lacked the ease of Live. A pointer is not what I want to be using on my consoles, I wish to navigate simply with ups and downs and the like, not move the cursor over this way and that.
Yet, regardless of the look, I adore the PSN, I’m absolutely ga-ga over the thing! All the games I’ve downloaded are original, quirky, and so much fun! When I had to part with my PS3 I was so worried, what would happen to all my games? Would they suffer the same fate as my Live Arcade titles? Would I be able to download them and only be able to play them on the console they were originally downloaded on unless connected to the intertubes?
I fretted. I worried.
But it’s no worries! No frakking worries whatsoever!
My interface concerns are completely cured, the new store is sexy fine and so easy to navigate it’s like eating a cookie – you know just what to do! And downloading all my games again couldn’t be easier. Just go to Downloads, click on the titles, download again, and bam! All my games back with me again in the realsies. Ah, love it.
The rocky, epic cliff of a start the PS3 was cursed with is finally coming to an end on so many levels. The new store is great and when you depend so much on wee dowloadable games, like I do, having a solid center for that is a must. I’m very pleased with the changes.
And Haze will be coming out soon, May 20th (* cough * Captain Janeway’s birthday * cough *), with a single and multiplayer demo coming soon. Fresh off the Ubisoft press release:
Coming exclusively to the PLAYSTATION®Network in early May, this playable demo will give gamers a taste of not only the single-player campaign in Haze, but will also allow up to four-player, drop-in drop-out co-op play online.
Did you hear that? Drop-in drop-out co-op!!! Joy of joys! I’m looking forward to Haze because I love futuristic shooters and I love co-op shooters as well.