Good Night, Earth
Bad morning. Wake up to news that Trump is going off on Iran in all caps and some asshole went on a shooting rampage on the Danforth.
I found this video, of Kraftwerk jamming live with an astronaut on the International Space Station, at least somewhat restored my faith in humanity. Perhaps you will like it too.
‘Westworld’ showrunner explains those finale twists, hints at season 3 plan
Japanese engineer builds giant robot to realize ‘Gundam’ dream
In robot news…. (watch the video)
The Rise in Self-Proclaimed Time Travelers
They’ve come from the future for two reasons: 1) To save us from ourselves; and 2) to make YouTube confessionals
The Expanded Universe Story That Led to Lucasfilm Re-Writing Star Wars Canon
Chewy had a moon dropped on him
The Best Sci-Fi Movies that Most People Haven’t Seen
Could this article be any more up my alley
Star Wars is getting an all-new trilogy from Rian Johnson
To appease male fans, Doctor Who announces every Dalek will have visible penis
Doctor Who announces Broadchurch actress as first female Doctor
That’s great. Although what an incredibly dull intro video.
Syfy Rebrands as Science Fiction Content Hub
So this is the US cable channel formerly known as SciFi, which rebranded as SyFy to get away from messy associations with nerdy sci-fi, which now wants the nerds back

Certainly the most depressing, possibly the most emotionally powerful superhero movie ever made, Logan recasts two signature X-Men in a bleak future western about familial bonds in an uncaring world. This is the superhero movie Cormac McCarthy would make.
It’s 2029, mutants are near-extinct, and The Mutant Formerly Known as Wolverine, Logan (Hugh Jackman) is driving a limo to pay the medical bills of self-described nonagenarian and Alzheimer’s victim Charles Xavier (Patrick Stewart). When a nurse seeks Logan’s help taking the lab-raised mute mutant child Laura (Dafne Keen) to the Canadian border (bonus points for casting Canada as Utopia again, American filmmakers!), he must decide what he’s going to do with the rest of his life, which may not be that long.
If that sounds grim, it’s because it is, although the despair is leavened by four setpiece action sequences that – by virtue of this film’s R rating, a first for the franchise – are more skull-stabbingly true to the Wolverine character than anything he’s done before. Part Western runaway slave story, part poignant family road trip, the film explores the parent-child relationships between several sets of characters, and shows the anger produced by our families, both biological and non-, may be overpowered only by the rage that comes when they are threatened, the rage born out of love. The film is both a reminder of the versatility of the men-in-tights genre and a moving swan song for one of its most beloved and perfectly cast characters.
Review: ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Creates a Chilling Man’s World –
Sounds good.
A passionate argument for why you should play Nier: Automata
Multiple Rashomon-style storylines? Mechs? Post-apocalyptic battle to reclaim earth? Sexy androids? Count me in.
Rogue One’s best visual effects happened while the camera was rolling
Some really interesting techniques here
Ridley Scott Is Planning 6 More Alien Movies
An Alien in New York, Chestburster: The Musical, Alien vs. My Little Pony, Gladialien… go ahead, run with those, Ridley
Logan review: not just the bloodiest X-Men movie, but also the saddest
The weight of graphic, grotesque violence hangs over the entire movie. But the daring emotional violence lingers longer, well after the lights go down on the final shot.
Sounds fun!
Here’s a spot we just did. Merry Trekmas!
•Will Minority Report cybergloves ever make sense?
These days it sometimes feels like we are working out the details of the future