Canadian Colleges See Surge of Foreign Students
This makes me happy
This makes me happy
Lookee here, Bell launched an over-the-top TV service and it’s not terrible. (Full disclosure: I work for Bell Media.) It’s bundled with Fibe Internet which is too bad, but the low end is a $15 skinny basic, and the “good” package for $43/mo is most of the channels most people might want. Sucks that they’re still charging $25 for HBO though.
Didn’t realize this adaptation is run by a Breaking Bad writer, Moira Walley-Beckett.
With her TV series, Walley-Beckett is trying to solve a riddle: If everything about “Anne of Green Gables” is what prestige TV usually avoids, how do you adapt it in a way that is both sufficiently sophisticated and yet not a betrayal of the source material? Can Anne Shirley, the yummy pleasure who has flourished by cheerfully gliding above her trauma, be transformed into an almost-antiheroine who, in the fashion of contemporary television, has to grapple with her awful past directly? And can she do so whil
Love this.
Warning: you cannot unsee this. (It’s something about the audio/video mismatch perhaps that makes this extra creepy? Like we’ve been let into the psyche of a deranged car-man.)
•Met Denis in 2001 when he was still working at Space. We have lost a great voice.
The play’s the thing?
Re: problems with the Canadian film industry
So this is what Robyn Doolittle has been up to
I don’t get why they didn’t just go with a ranked ballot.
Even in the use of “eh” as a criticism or a command, the word seeks to find common ground. If I say “you’re an idiot, eh?”, what I’m saying is, you’re an idiot, but you should also think you’re an idiot, and our understanding of you as an idiot finds us on common ground.
My post today is an endorsement of The Dirties, the first film by Matt Johnson, the dude from the interview I posted yesterday. I liked what I read, and I respect the opinion of Radheyan Simonpillai, so the missus and I checked it out last night. It’s the best Canadian film I’ve seen in a while (since Incendies maybe? Room and Brooklyn don’t count), one of the best found-footage movies I’ve seen, and the most refreshing directorial debut I’ve seen since Primer. It approaches a tough topic (school shootings) with a unique tone. It’s on iTunes and YouTube. Here’s the trailer.