Angry Robot

Vote for Yrs. Truly in the Star Wars Fan Movie Challenge Thing, Please

Dear Robot Readers,

I could use your help with something. I have a film in this year’s Star Wars Fan Movie Challenge. (I admit it, I’m a huge nerd.) It’s called “Bad Day For Vader”, and I’d love it if you voted for it. It’s only a minute long so that part ain’t hard, but you may have to register on atom first – not sure. You should be done in a couple minutes regardless.

Those of you with weblogs, newspapers, megaphones and/or skywriting businesses, I’d also appreciate your help spreading the word.

Voting stops at noon on friday, so if you could, make haste!

Here’s the link

Thanks and I owe you one.

4 comments on "Vote for Yrs. Truly in the Star Wars Fan Movie Challenge Thing, Please"

  1. Steve L says:

    Done and Voted. crosses fingers

  2. D says:

    Thanks Steve! You’re the man. PS did you get the iPhone?

  3. ramanan says:

    Voted! Hopefully you win and become super famous.

  4. D says:

    I’m not holding my breath here, but thanks!

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