Deep learning technology is now being used to put Nic Cage in every movie
It didn’t take long to find the best use for this technology.
It didn’t take long to find the best use for this technology.
All good points.
On Turkey’s unprovoked invasion of Kurdish-controlled Afrin, Syria
Our Tony Scott future inches closer
Halfway between touchscreens and voice/AI (via birchtree)
Starting to get the sense that this Trump fellow may not be the sharpest tool in the shed
There are an awful lot of great indie games being made in Canada, and a great number are available on the Switch. Bonus fact: did you know that Canada is the third biggest video game producing nation after the US and Japan? I didn’t!
What a terrible loss. This site ran on Textpattern for quite some time and I found its grace almost as inspiring as the writing he posted to Textism.
Nintendo is so impressive to me. This idea is out of nowhere and is just so clever.
a must-read for turn-based tactics fans
There is no strategy to Trump’s Twitter feed; he is not trying to distract the media. He is being distracted. He darts with quark-like speed from topic to topic in his tweets because that’s how cable news works.
This is the excerpt from the upcoming book and it is NUTS.
Ok then, the WordPress install on the site got hacked. That’s not great. It was a giant pain in the ass on my end, but also a real drag for you and the rest of my readers who were sent off to some shithead spammy ad-malware page upon visiting the site. My apologies.
Steps have been taken, and things should be much more secure now. I am not going to tempt fate by saying it won’t happen again, but if it does I’ll be looking at a new CMS. Or maybe I’ll move to Medium (shudder).
Anyway, everything is back to normal I think? And I only lost a couple link-posts which was to Mueller stuff you’ve probably read already.