Apple Is About To Lay Down Its TV Cards
“This is the first real Apple TV product”
“This is the first real Apple TV product”
This so far is a really entertaining campaign. Who said Canadian politics was boring?
Skulking in a hoodie. Perfect.
Of course not
Perfect Clickhole
Official ad. Awesome.
•Changes happening at the dream factory
36% NDP to 32% CPC. But only half the population is decided. I should really stop paying attention to these polls.
It’s pretty grim, but happy ending
I feel safer already (via)
As Gruber said, there will be a reckoning.
thanks y
•I actually saved this as evidence of Yakabuski’s hackiness. So the 70% of the country who would never vote for Harper have “closed liberal minds”? The spiking of the census has “inconvenienced some researchers”? “Elites in the media”? No mention of C-51? The Globe’s ill-fitting disguise of impartiality often comes off during elections, and underneath we can see an entitled, lazy hack who is unable to understand what’s going on in Canada. Like Mr. Y here.
A lot of good points here, but a lot of 50s-era car utopianism as well. Cars don’t do urban density well, and that’s what people want these days.