Amazon Streamer To Feature Bluetooth Gaming Controller
Sounds like Amazon’s AppleTV competitor will be released soon and it will have (Android) games.
The era of Facebook is an anomaly
“Researcher danah boyd talks about teens, identity, and the future of digital communication”
The 3D Future of Your Smartphone Camera
Pretty damn cool.
Fair Elections Act: Slow it down, Mr. Poilievre (3)
“The bill proposes that the winning party in each riding be given the power to nominate that riding’s central poll supervisors. This is madness.” The Globe editorial team, who endorsed Harper, take the insane “Fair Elections Act” to task. Also see this article in the Post. The timing with regards to the robocalls investigation report from the elections commissioner, due by the end of March, is especially suspicious.
Ukraine Premier Promises Economic Overhaul to Win IMF Aid
Yay The West! Time for a good old-fashioned IMF “market liberalization”. Why the people of Ukraine are liable for the money a bunch of disgraced ex-leaders stole from them is anyone’s guess.
Furry Force
pretty amazing.
Steal this platform!
Edward Keenan’s proposals for a Toronto mayoral platform. I agree with almost all of ‘em.
Neil Young's Pono music player smashes $800,000 Kickstarter target in one day
Porn-sounding fancy iPod for fussy audiophile killjoys
The obesity era
A survey of current obesity research. “As the American people got fatter, so did marmosets, vervet monkeys and mice. The problem may be bigger than any of us.”
Highrise hell for low-income families in Toronto
Dinosaur Comics – on Driving
Beyond the monocle: Five ideas for future New York Times trend stories
Don Valley Parkway rainbow gets a makeover
I had never noticed this tunnel nor heard the story. Pretty cool, though.
Project Brazen 2: OPP now overseeing investigation involving Mayor Rob Ford
and there could be more documents released in the next few weeks.
Emily Nussbaum: The Shallowness of “True Detective”
The backlash begins? Valid point, although I’m not sure the show can be discounted for having too few female characters, or even for the “resentful wife” character. (In this the golden age of TV the main character is the Narcissistic Antihero, and the Resentful Wife follows closely behind with an eye-roll and a harried sigh.) The crisis of masculinity seems to me a theme of the show.
Normcore: Fashion for Those Who Realize They’re One in 7 Billion
aka fashion eats itself (again)
What's happened to TextDrive?
It’s shutting down in ten days. Too bad. (see here and here for the history)
Toronto’s Ethnic Buffet
Hits a few personal weak spots: Torontonian pride, Americans talking about Canada, and food.
Soon, Our Robot Coffee Baristas Will Only Brew Certain Brands
We joke about the “robot coffee” machine at work that tastes like ass but is free. Already the robot coffee machines are turning on their masters?
Mayor Rob Ford lambasted during appearance on ‘Jimmy Kimmel’ (Video)
That’s not what Doug thought would happen. Greatest campaign manager ever?