Angry Robot

SRSI: Goals, Pasta, Casino

Originally my goals for this project were to complete a short documentary, post small segments online, daily blog posts, do workshops etc. etc. Best laid plans and suchlike. There is no way I will get this thing edited by the end of the residency in 10 days. The problem is I am shooting too much. You can’t just go in like a news crew and say, I need an interview and 5 minutes of b-roll and I’m out. A lot of the best stuff comes from hanging around with the camera, sort of like a hunter. You capture the little details, the surprises, you get to know people, and you earn trust. But it takes a ton of time. And there are always a few artists here simultaneously, so I’ve already missed a lot because I was shooting somewhere else.

So, revised goals. Some segments before the end of the project. Some blog posts. No finished film, that will come months later. Luckily Michelle will help with the editing, which is a huge, huge help.

What’s happened since saturday? It’s all a blur.

Sunday I mentioned, here’s Chris and Michelle making pasta.

Making Pasta

Here’s Norman monitoring some dweeb filming his camera.


I followed Lea as she gathered plants for her project, the garden party. She goes up to houses with nice gardens and chats with the owners about Windsor, and asks if they’d like to contribute a plant. The plants get set up as a garden in the storefront. She invites the contributors to the garden party. Here’s her with Nadia, who is an amazing woman.

Lea and Nadia

Went to the casino with Robin.

Robin at Caesar's

I gambled for the first time, on slots. I lost $9.90. I loved all the bizarre themes to the slot machines – there are Star Trek and Jaws machines, plus off brands like Pirates and Wild Panda. You can’t shoot anywhere near them though.

And you got to love the Walker Power Building, it’s hard not to take pictures of it.

Walker Power Building

Walker Power Building 2