Vote for Yrs. Truly in the Star Wars Fan Movie Challenge Thing, Please
Dear Robot Readers,
I could use your help with something. I have a film in this year’s Star Wars Fan Movie Challenge. (I admit it, I’m a huge nerd.) It’s called “Bad Day For Vader”, and I’d love it if you voted for it. It’s only a minute long so that part ain’t hard, but you may have to register on atom first – not sure. You should be done in a couple minutes regardless.
Those of you with weblogs, newspapers, megaphones and/or skywriting businesses, I’d also appreciate your help spreading the word.
Voting stops at noon on friday, so if you could, make haste!
Thanks and I owe you one.
Done and Voted. crosses fingers
Thanks Steve! You’re the man. PS did you get the iPhone?
Voted! Hopefully you win and become super famous.
I’m not holding my breath here, but thanks!