Angry Robot

Microsoft Office Gangbang Edition

Does anyone have copies of the unrated versions of those Microsoft Office ads? In which the jubilant office workers get carried away and fuck?

11 comments on "Microsoft Office Gangbang Edition"

  1. adampsyche says:

    I have no idea what you’re talking about, but now I must see these ads.

  2. ÿ says:

    Hey adampsyche! You know, I emailed after your new address awhile back & got zero response.

    Just thought you should know.

    I’ve found you again.


  3. ÿ says:

    Also – deadly curious to know what you’re talking about with this post, D. I suspect it will be as mind blowing as this was (tho the link seems sadly to have disappeared) – either that, or you are yanking yet more internet chain, as you are so often wont to do.

  4. adampsyche says:

    Hey, I did too respond! I’ve noticed that somehow a lot of my mail gets labelled as spam from spam assassin. Something about sending to another mail server than from Comcast’s (who is my ISP, and gives me a dynamic IP). It might have gotten filtered, but it seems to have sent.

  5. D says:

    I guess the gag in the spots is that all these middle managers are super-overjoyed about the excellent things Office has allowed them to do. In one (there’s a bunch of them) a bunch of employees are slo-mo jumping all over each other like they just won the Olympics, and I’m pretty sure if the spot went on for like ten seconds longer they’d be straight up fucking.

    Okay, so maybe I just thought “Microsoft Office Gangbang Edition” was a shit-hot title. Is that so wrong?

  6. TheDiscourse says:

    While trying to download episodes of the second season of The Office from Poisoned, I saw several references (hidden amid unfortunately themed pornography) to or things like this. Is this what you mean?

  7. D says:

    I hope so?

  8. ÿ says:

    All right Adam, good to know. I’ll no longer feel slighted by the mere mention of your name.

    As for you D, that title totally rules, and should figure its way into your fiction, if it hasn’t already.

  9. D says:

    Hey my life is totally fiction. I’m actually an Afghani shepherd who’s growing poppies on the side to pay for an upcoming, lifesaving bowel operation. That guy you’ve met the odd time in TO, that’s an actor I hired.

    And adam! Nice new site you got there.

  10. ÿ says:


    Very funny, whoever you are.

  11. eL says:

    I heard MS was going to bundle that into the SP-2 release of XP, tentatively titled XXXP. But instead of getting to screw your co-workers, XP will just screw the user.

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