My rampant NetNewsWire addiction has me reading several newspapers a day. And the constant White House PR and troop movements accumulate, and it’s everywhere we turn. I’d love to go back to writing about bad movies and iPods and shaved snits and popcorn forks, and frankly I will, but I have to ask: if the tragedies of the 11th spawned legions of warblogs, will the super-inevitable Gulf War II create an army of antiwarbloggers? Cause I’m fightin’ the urge, right here, now. And the carbonized bodies have yet to build up.
wow. that digital journal link was intense.
have there been any estimates about casualties of the first Gulf War? On both sides? I can’t recall a single report off the top of my head…
(sorry, D, if I’m not helping you fight the urge. But I think maybe the urge shouldn’t be fought. As your little corner of the world, shouldn’t d/blog reflect the things that matter to you and interest you? you’re not jumping on an anitwarblogging bandwagon, you’re allowing your blog to reflect the changing nature of your personal focus.)
148 Americans, 100,000 Iraqis.
Maybe you’re right, Marijke. I guess the point is, I’ve always had some interest in world affairs & politics but never wanted my weblog to concentrate on that. The one thing I really want it to have is variety. But in truth, when I don’t have time for longer entries, I’ll switch over and post news stuff / web links – and right now frivolous little things on the web seem painfully irrelevant. Hopefully I can try and balance out all the Iraq/Venezuela shit with other stuff that’s on my mind, since there is other stuff I’m into, but it’s that whole time thing. I’ll work on it.
I’ve often not wanted to post anything about news, but it has just been so prevalent these days, and so hard to ignore. I guess I get turned off by a lot of blogs that go in this direction and lose interest.
Sometimes, though, the painfully irrelevant is quite refreshing.
It is a hard call to make: how do you write about something that makes you sick to your stomach if you think about it too much, how do you not write about something so important?
I’ve decided to post about about the probably coming war that I oppose when I feel I have to; I’ll continue to post about the things I usually post about the rest of the time, because I have, I think we all have to, continue to put energy into our daily lives.
Good points. I’ll try to maintain balance – maybe even the odd refreshingly painful irrelevancy will assert itself.